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bedtime prayer doll recites Russian christian prayer

Bedtime Prayer "Victoria" Doll

Rating is 4.9 out of five stars based on 9 reviews
SKU: 012

With her enchanting features and soft, huggable body, Victoria is the perfect friend to snuggle up with.

But what sets Victoria apart is her special ability to recite a heartfelt bedtime prayer in the Russian language, asking God for protection and blessings. As your little one prepares for a restful night's sleep, they can join Victoria in reciting this meaningful prayer, fostering a sense of calm and comfort.



"Я устала, иду в покой, 

Боже отче мне закрой.

И с любовью будь со мной, 

Будь хранитель верный мой. 

И сегодня без сомнения 

Я виновна пред тобой, 

Дай мне всем грехам прошение, 

Телу сон, душе покой.  Аминь"



    Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars.
    Based on 9 reviews
    9 reviews

    • Katerine PitsulFeb 07, 2024
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
      Every Little Girl’s Best Friend

      This doll has become like a best friend for my daughter. She has learned to almost fully recite the prayer and always holds onto this doll in the car, during outings & when it’s time for bed! I love the quality and attentive detail put into it. So so beautiful!